Our family circus, ringmaster, clown, and lion.

He loved being in costume and in his wagon. Sometimes he pulled off the hood but for the most part he loved wearing it and being asked "What does the lion say?", and going "Arrrrr", (more like a pirate than a lion's roar, but we'll take it.)
For the wagon, we pinned a string of solar lights around the top. They charged all day and lasted the entire night!
We also added our bluetooth speaker to the pocket of the wagon to blast the circus song on repeat as we rode around.
I printed out letters and mod-podged them onto a piece of cardboard, then painted around them and mod-podged to seal. Finally, I hot glued some gold ribbon to the top of the sign.
To make the "cage", we spray painted PVC pipe with chrome spray paint. They are held upright by pipes and connectors, and then duct taped in place at the top under the canopy.

Some pre-trick-or-treat fuel, circus themed! Corn dogs, cupcakes with circus animal cookies, pretzels and cheese, peanuts, candied apples, and circus peanuts. Yum! Carby and sugar-laden but gave us plenty of energy for a LONG traipse around the neighborhood to show off our wagon and costumes.
The cotton candy is some dyed stuffing, wrapped around a toilet-paper roll cone and hot glued around it.

The hat and ringmaster jacket as well as my bow-tie and nose came from the party store.
The rest of the pieces were thrifted and modified.
The vest I found in excellent condition, and hot glued the same gold ribbon I used on the wagon.
My apron was found at the same thrift store as the lion costume, in the kid's section as well. (BTW I was STOKED to find the lion costume in the exact size I needed on the rack as I had a few much more expensive and potentially not delivered in time sitting in my Amazon cart.) Originally too-small kid's clown shorts, I cut down the center seam and cut the suspenders then sewed it to fashion it as a tie-apron. It worked out well!
Underneath I found a cheap thrifted tutu and a skirt I had. I was about to wear a different top until I found this gem with tags still attached at Goodwill. It had the frills, collar, and ruffles I needed plus the red theme. I added pompoms for whimsy and it was perfect!
My hair is tied in pigtails with hair ties customized with rainbow curled ribbon. Despite adding tons of hand-tied ribbon curls, they didn't turn out as prominent as I had hoped.

Sitting atop his treasure horde was his favorite part of the evening.

All smiles and a toothy-lion grin.

Face masks for Socially-Distanced Trick-Or-Treating.
Unfortunately my cheap Halloween store face paint was very crumbly as the night progressed, I wound up with lots of paint flakes inside my face mask that I inhaled more than once during the night!

The flaming hoop was made with a hula hoop wrapped in ribbon and felt "flames" hot glued to the ribbon. Some of the flames that stick out have skewers attached.

Lion cub enjoyed munching on some animal crackers.

Before we went out, we created this for our little lion to practice trick-or-treating. He knew just what to do! Luckily many houses participated with outdoor candy passing out, pre-made bags, tongs to hand out candy, gloves, or contact-free candy bars laid on tables. It was wonderful!

A jump through the hoop!

Ring-master daddy and little lion cub.

Clowning around with mommy before the sun went down and trick-or- treat time!

Borrowing his baby car for my clown ride.
The tiles we use for indoor but brought out for our photos.
