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First Halloween

While pregnant with Jack we saw the final How to Train Your Dragon film. As soon as bearded Hiccup came on the screen, I knew this would be our first family costume!

First Year


Astrid, Hiccup, and Toothless.

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To my surprise, How to Train Your Dragon costumes weren't all too common, and I was only able to find the baby Night Fury costume. 

With a couple trips to the 99 cent store for my budget modifications, the generic "medieval warrior" men and women's costumes I found for my husband and I would become nods to Hiccup and Astrid. Yes, the inspiration is a combination of several of each character's outfits, but the message came across.

The hardest part to come up with was Astrid's bird skull buttons. I found some Halloween birds in cages at the 99 Cent Store, popped off the heads and spray painted. Then added them to pins for my armor.

I used the plastic cages those birds came in to make the frame for Hiccup's armor. Paper mache and paint completed these, as did a cheap prop axe with some additional modifying.

The only modification Toothless's costume needed was the red tail piece as he is given in the films.


2nd year

When Social Distancing lasted longer than anyone could've imagined and Halloween approached, we found ways to enjoy dressing up at home, and safely trick or treat.

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