MidCentury Matcha Mama
Dr. Seuss Day (March 2nd, Read Across America Day)

Year 1
Step 1: Breakfast. Green eggs and ham,, except this picky toddler doesn't currently like either. The solution? Avocado (for his toast), with yogurt for egg whites and peeled and halved kiwis! It was a hit, and fun for him.
Next up: Craft time! Truffula tree printouts from online with polka dot markers. Some make-your-own seussy socks as well.

Other activities included ABC reading and puzzles, then sorting colored fish at the One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish station.
Then, we headed outside trying to emulate "read and relax day" which we used to do in elementary school to celebrate Read Across America day.

Snacks, picnic blanket, and some Dr. Seuss classics.

Finally, some Hop on Pop to end the day once dada was home.
This marked a fun 2nd year! Next year we'll be joined by his baby sister.
First Year
I laid out the books and book bags we had for Jack to see. His attention span while being read to is still short, but he was able to enjoy a few books in segments. The brightly colored covers were exciting too!

Instilling a love of reading in my children is paramount (the former English teacher in me.) Dr. Seuss is one of the pinnacle figures of children's literature and creating early readers. This was our first Dr. Seuss day, yes he is still a baby so we celebrated how we could! I'd love to see other ideas, for any age.
Only beginning to dabble in solids, the menu took a little working. I didn't want to give him green food dye being so young, so the solution? Green beans to go with his eggs and ham. He liked them Sam I am.

Cat in the Hat was the clear winner of them all, he went back for a repeat read!
Dr. Seuss day success, I hope for many more and to bring him to Target's yearly event.