Let me preface this by saying I know this is not traditional fondue. We worked with what we were able to buy during the great grocery store outages of 2020 shortly after quarantine was announced. We had many more dried meats and less fresh veggies to work with. That being said, it was still fun!
I baked French bread for the first time for the occasion, and my house smelt like a boulangerie for the evening.
I had just embraced the retro aspect of my house and looked in the pantry, then hatched this idea. I looked in my closet for something with a 70's vibe and put togehther this outfit, sort of like a fashionable Minion?
I was able to use some pieces of my copper collection to enhance the vintage vibe, particularly the Jello mold. The beige, copper, and red color palette of the table worked with things I happened to have on hand, cheeseboards included! We washed it down with a Moscow Mule each, and enjoyed our interactive dinner. Side note- my living room has a step down "conversation pit" aspect to it, this little dinner with our home's vibe really transported us to another era.
We even involved the baby who got to try nibbles and enjoy some cheese-dipping sensory play.
When grocery stores are stocked up again I'm sure there is so much more that can be done to run with the theme.
I'd love to see more ideas or fondue parties!
