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Size 8 outfits

Celebrity Inspiration


Updating my style

Following my pregnancy, over the next 10 months I lost 70 lbs. Not baby weight, but weight I had carried the last ten years. Pregnancy was my peak heaviness, and also my frumpiest dressing. I've always loved combining colors and pieces and putting together outfits, but I really stopped caring when things didn't fit. Once I reached my goal weight, I was excited to care about clothes again. Many pieces I've owned for years and loved fit again or even for the first time. One problem though: I was now in my late 20's. I was at a loss for how to dress.

I started with Youtube. Searching out videos on how to update your look, define your style, etc. I found lots of good tips there, and started up a Pinterest board titled with my new size, age, and the year 2020.

When I first reached my goal weight and planning all these outfits, the world shut down. I literally had nowhere to wear anything! Or show anyone I had hit goal.

I could however still plan!

And plan I did. I began in my Notes on my phone, listing types of pieces and style types I loved. I love mixing edgy and feminine, but realized I had to let my younger affinity for skulls and studs go and opt for more mature edgy pieces. I found it to be easy!

Next, I started pinning outfits for inspiration and looking towards celebrities. I found celebrities of similar sizes gave the best inspiration, but it wasn't a hard rule!

Then, I got the app GetWardrobe. 

I felt like Cher Horowitz from Clueless but all on my phone planning outfits! I took pictures of all my favorite pieces and things that are often in my rotation. It was a little time consuming, but SO WORTH IT! I then can build outfits with each piece, and found I have so much versatility within my wardrobe already! The best part about it is I can add outfits to the calendar AND save outfits by event. (Brunch, shopping, zoo, etc.) This really helped me stay organized and focused when creating outfits. I love using it to pack too! Unfortunately our big vacation was put on hold, but we've had several weekend trips that I've found it useful for!

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